Freelancer: zainuldz
Raportoni kandidaturën

nasser el sonbaty

dear contest holder, here's my creation for this job, hope you like

Kandidatura #63për                                                 Cartoonist Job for Funny Bodybuilder Drawings (CONTEST for selection) - 10/04/2019 01:27 EDT
Kandidatura #63

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • rahazabat
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 5 vite më parë

    Hey Zainul S.,
    Thanks for submitting.
    There is no creative twist in this drawing as required by the description of the sample in our contest. Also, please remove the gray facial hair as that is not consistent with how Nasser is remembered to have looked. Thanks!

    • 5 vite më parë
    1. zainuldz
      • 5 vite më parë

      okay, thanks for your attention, next i'll be more creative

      • 5 vite më parë