Freelancer: chiarabellini
Raportoni kandidaturën

elegance e dynamic room for boy

you can have the images with higher resolution but first I would like to know if they fit because it requires many ore.ringrazio and render the rest on hold. Chiara Bellini

Kandidatura #24për                                                 Design Realistic Room
Kandidatura #24

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • chiarabellini
    • 10 vite më parë


    • 10 vite më parë
    1. madettydonda
      • 4 vite më parë

      Kalo posisi lampu di tengah akan terlihat bayangan atasnya harus agak berbentuk segitiga dalam bentuk menyamping..dan letakkan lampu berbentuk bulat di atas lemari atau meja..

      • 4 vite më parë
  • chiarabellini
    • 10 vite më parë

    i don't understand about shadow..please explain me so i can do a good job.thanks

    • 10 vite më parë
  • dreamygroup
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 10 vite më parë

    with the image I have pasted below, this is the one I want to render, but you still need to change the cars as they are a bit too young for the audience I am going for, Please make the chair a little bigger, Please take the shadow out completely. The wall on the right still looks purple, have you changed it? The chest on the left hand side, please remove it, and move the dark blue and light blue stools there. What's that image on red and beige image on the desk on the left. Other than those things, I think we will be good to finish it off. :-) Good job. :-)

    • 10 vite më parë
  • dreamygroup
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 10 vite më parë

    • 10 vite më parë
  • dreamygroup
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 10 vite më parë

    • 10 vite më parë
  • chiarabellini
    • 10 vite më parë

    *many hours! Thank you

    • 10 vite më parë

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