Freelancer: Revivi5
Raportoni kandidaturën

Design 2

Dear CH, Please see our design 2. Kindly provide your feedback. Thank you, regards, Revivi5

Kandidatura #7për                                                 Design a 3D coin (cryptocurrency) with shiny gold surface and reflections!
Kandidatura #7

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • Revivi5
    • 5 vite më parë

    Thank you very much for choosing us as the winner. :)

    Sure we can deliver, PNG transparency, SVG transparency, STL, STEP file and Photoshop files.

    Also if you can open a message thread, we can share the front view for you to confirm. And if there are anymore adjustments we are more than happy to help you with it.

    Of course we can do more designs for you! :)

    Thanks again! :)

    • 5 vite më parë
  • juraben
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 5 vite më parë

    Thank you very much for your design. I am happy to inform you that you have won the competition.

    I choose entry #7 .

    Do you deliver all files in PNG transparency, SVG transparency and STL?

    For this design I need a front view. If it is possible that you can see the lettering in 3D. And the coin rim should be visible.

    the front view should be rotatable as STL file and have 3D properties.

    You don't need to publish the new front view in the competition. I trust your professional work. Please just give me a confirmation if you can make the last changes for me.

    Maybe you'll give me some more designs and different representations of the coin as a bonus.

    As soon as I get your answer, I'll finish the contest.

    Thank you very much for your professional work!

    • 5 vite më parë
  • Revivi5
    • 5 vite më parë

    We have done the changes as requested. Please check entry #21

    • 5 vite më parë
  • Revivi5
    • 5 vite më parë

    Thank you very much for your feedback. We are happy that you like our design.

    Yes sure. We will update it soon with the requested changers.

    Thank you very much :)

    • 5 vite më parë
  • juraben
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 5 vite më parë

    Thank you very much for your design. It's great! My absolute favorite! Could you change something for me to test?

    I would like to see what the coin looks like with a dark blue edge.

    And for the website I also need a single coin in front view.

    Thank you very much!

    • 5 vite më parë

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