Freelancer: mhandalia
Raportoni kandidaturën

Energize Powerpoint Presentation

Please find the idea of the presentation slides. Hope it can meet your requirements. Looking forward to receiving your feedback . Thank you.

Kandidatura #44për                                                 Design a Powerpoint template
Kandidatura #44

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  • tanyacohen24
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 6 vite më parë

    Hi I really like your case study pages and the front page but for example page 4 is not in keeping with the design, can you reshow me what you suggest thankyou

    • 6 vite më parë
    1. mhandalia
      • 6 vite më parë

      I will modify several slides and submit the updated one soonest

      • 6 vite më parë
  • tanyacohen24
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 6 vite më parë

    This looks good but a bit too many different designs, but there is a lot I like

    • 6 vite më parë
    1. mhandalia
      • 6 vite më parë

      Thank you for the rate and comments... I will try to minimize the difference and submit the updated version soonest

      • 6 vite më parë