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  • crlecorps
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 5 vite më parë

    I like the first page. Keep in mind that you are not re-designing the slides, you are creating a media kit. Also, select a different color. It clashes with the logo a bit

    • 5 vite më parë
    1. karypaola83
      • 5 vite më parë

      Perfect, I already made the changes, the first image was created from scratch, looking for this that speaks in the slides of energy and water in the world.

      • 5 vite më parë
    2. karypaola83
      • 5 vite më parë

      Attentive to all the changes you need, I'm setting up a new model

      • 5 vite më parë