Freelancer: firozkhan5551
Raportoni kandidaturën

2d background picture for ios app

i designed it with sketch and render it with photshop

Kandidatura #8për                                                 I need a 2d background picture for IOS app
Kandidatura #8

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • firozkhan5551
    • 5 vite më parë

    thanks i redesigned it #13

    • 5 vite më parë
  • BG88
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 5 vite më parë

    portrait view, also here is the dimensions 1242(w) x 2208(h) pixel

    • 5 vite më parë
  • BG88
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 5 vite më parë

    1. Bitcoin "accepted here" need to be on store window. 2. "Bitplaza" need to be lowered. 3. University door needs to be bigger. and add text "University" somewhere on building. 4. Make the middle store door smaller

    • 5 vite më parë