Freelancer: MarkJaya
Raportoni kandidaturën

Option A v1.0

Made it as per your brief. Happy to do any and all changes/suggestions you require. Please let me know your feedback. Thank you.

Kandidatura #16për                                                 Landscape Sexting Cover Design
Kandidatura #16

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • HVWMark
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 5 vite më parë

    THankyou. Not quite as good as the other design as this stage. Great effort though!

    • 5 vite më parë
  • MarkJaya
    • 5 vite më parë

    Please note that the images have watermarks as they need to be purchased. Happy to do that at my expense if I am awarded the contest.

    • 5 vite më parë