Freelancer: nagarajubhu
Raportoni kandidaturën

Wordpress theme that fits requirements

Education is a fantastic theme for wordpress. According to your description, the person is multi-skilled and requires a theme that covers all the categories. The site visitors can instantly find the content they are looking for and can easily search the pages. You can find the theme here: It is one of the fastest wordpress themes and costs $69.

Kandidatura #5për                                                 Wordpress Theme that fits requirements
Kandidatura #5

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • franciscoffvb
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 4 vite më parë

    Which of the demos would you choose to fit the requirements? Please add collages of screenshots to show how each page of the requirements would look like. I want a demo that almost doesn't need customization to fit the requirements.

    • 4 vite më parë