Logo Design for Classy Farm Event Logo Design

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $290
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 53
  • Fituesi: pinky

Përmbledhja e konkursit

Design our farm chic semi-casual outdoor music event to celebrate quality, local organic agriculture with Bluegrass music

Aftësi të rekomanduara

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • lifeillustrated
    • 13 vite më parë

    too bad...I just finish and upload mine....there was still time...:( check it please 98 just to see if you like

    • 13 vite më parë
  • Bluem00n
    • 13 vite më parë

    Hi there... just uploaded an entry to find the winner has been picked. Competition closed then?
    Guess i need to get in there a bit sooner!! Must say... worthy winner.

    • 13 vite më parë
  • MDBock
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 13 vite më parë

    You guys did awesome, thank you all for your contributions! It was incredibly tough choosing between 86,88 and 25. Thanks again.

    • 13 vite më parë
  • lmeggos
    • 13 vite më parë

    one more before i go :) #96

    • 13 vite më parë
  • coreYes
    • 13 vite më parë

    #94 and #95 The notes are from 'The Happy Farmer' song.

    • 13 vite më parë
  • fishgrass
    • 13 vite më parë

    Hello, I'd really appreciate if you'd rate my submissions as well, so i would know what you thought of it!
    #38 #39 #40 #41 #42
    Thanks! :)

    • 13 vite më parë
  • MDBock
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 13 vite më parë

    Great submissions! I am holding a poll now and will award the prize today. Thank you!

    • 13 vite më parë
  • taks0not
    • 13 vite më parë

    Hello, Please check entry #78 . Thank you

    • 13 vite më parë
  • fishgrass
    • 13 vite më parë

    I also added a few more versions: #39 #40 #41 #42
    (#42 has a different banjo, otherwise they're mostly just color versions)
    I also wanted to add that this is an all original vector design of mine, can be resized to "infinity" without resolution loss,
    and anything can be added/changed! :)

    • 13 vite më parë
  • fishgrass
    • 13 vite më parë

    Hello! Please check #38 . All the colors can be changed! Thanks!

    • 13 vite më parë
  • Decafe
    • 13 vite më parë

    would you kindly review my design? Thank you^^

    • 13 vite më parë
  • MDBock
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 13 vite më parë

    We're getting down to the wire and I wanted to thank everyone for their designs. At this point meemee's #25 design is the clear leader. Please submit designs that reflect that level of professionalism. Please be creative - minor alterations only serve to clutter the field. Nor do I want to see basic knock-offs like #30. Let's keep our submissions original, I will not award the prize and additional work to a design that is a minor modification of a prior submission.

    • 13 vite më parë
  • NewLOGOmaster
    • 13 vite më parë

    Kindly Check it out #8 #9 #10 #11

    • 13 vite më parë
    1. NewLOGOmaster
      • 13 vite më parë

      Yeah i agree with you but an small change make the world Heaven.

      • 13 vite më parë
    2. blend4design
      • 13 vite më parë

      beware any designs by NewLogomaste has already been reported for mutlipul copyright thefts


      NewLOGOmaste.. you have been reported to admin for your theaft of my design.. it makes no sense why you would download my design and repost it as your own.. even worse when you were complimented you said thanks not.. sorry it not you design.. that you stole it and posted it by accident or whatever you excuse is.
      Anyhow its in the hands of freelancer admin now and I hope they take it seriously, being a thief will not get you far.. try being original and stop stealing other designers work.

      • 13 vite më parë
  • ADMlanka
    • 13 vite më parë


    • 13 vite më parë
  • MDBock
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 13 vite më parë

    Wow, very impressed. Thank you meemee for raising the bar!

    • 13 vite më parë
  • ADMlanka
    • 13 vite më parë


    • 13 vite më parë
  • SavageDesignz
    • 13 vite më parë

    Hey MDBock, am I on track #22 ? thanks

    • 13 vite më parë
  • skynetweb
    • 13 vite më parë

    Hi, check out my design #20

    • 13 vite më parë
  • adyled
    • 13 vite më parë

    check out entry #4 .,more power..

    • 13 vite më parë
    1. NewLOGOmaster
      • 13 vite më parë

      you also come here.

      • 13 vite më parë
    2. adyled
      • 13 vite më parë


      • 13 vite më parë
  • MDBock
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 13 vite më parë

    Thanks for all the great submissions! However, the designs submitted so far are too busy. I'd like to see more creativity on emphasizing the words: "Bluegrass, Bow Ties & Radicle Foods" Remember potential customers will only have a few moments to see it from the roadside as they drive by. Use a bow tie graphic and music staff symbols to complement the words. The font selection should be easy to decifer.

    • 13 vite më parë
    1. NewLOGOmaster
      • 13 vite më parë

      Kindly Check it out #8 #9 #10 #11

      • 13 vite më parë
    2. NewLOGOmaster
      • 13 vite më parë

      Kindly Check it out #15 #16 #17 #18 #8 #9 #10 #11

      • 13 vite më parë
  • NewLOGOmaster
    • 13 vite më parë

    Kindly Check it out #15 #16 #17 #18

    • 13 vite më parë
  • NewLOGOmaster
    • 13 vite më parë

    Kindly Check it out #8 #9 #10 #11

    • 13 vite më parë
  • NewLOGOmaster
    • 13 vite më parë

    Check it out #8 #9 #10 #11

    • 13 vite më parë
  • NewLOGOmaster
    • 13 vite më parë

    Check it out #5 #6 #7

    • 13 vite më parë
  • NewLOGOmaster
    • 13 vite më parë

    Check it out #2 #1

    • 13 vite më parë
  • MDBock
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 13 vite më parë

    I intend to review daily and provide constructive feedback as much as possible

    • 13 vite më parë
    1. NewLOGOmaster
      • 13 vite më parë

      Hey what title and subtitle you need ?

      • 13 vite më parë

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