Biotechnology Company Logo Design Competition

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $200
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 100
  • Fituesi: mslade2414

Përmbledhja e konkursit

My business is in need of a new logo as we emerge onto the investor scene and launch our website.
I have uploaded a questionnaire, answered by my colleagues, that details what we want in our logo and overall ideas as well as what our business does. Please read the document I have attached. I am not interested in generic biotechnology logos. For instance, our technology does not make use of DNA in any novel way, so iterations of DNA in the logo design are inappropriate as designs as they do not pertain to our technology. The third page of the document I attached has several examples of the biology that I would like represented in the logo. I want a logo that pertains to our technology.

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Vlerёsimi i punёdhёnёsit

“@mslade2414 won the contest on 11 September 2020”

Fotoja e profilit mreedIMVT, United States.

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Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • Saif33170
    • 4 vite më parë

    Please check my entries #224 #225

    • 4 vite më parë
  • mcx80254
    • 4 vite më parë

    kindly check #221 #222

    • 4 vite më parë
  • imehrabi
    • 4 vite më parë

    Hi, Please check my entry #169 #168 #167 Thanks

    • 4 vite më parë
  • shakender676
    • 4 vite më parë

    Please check #170 #171 #172 #173

    • 4 vite më parë
  • shaikhakil
    • 4 vite më parë

    Please check #164 #165 #166

    • 4 vite më parë
  • imehrabi
    • 4 vite më parë

    Hi, Please check my entry #155 Thanks

    • 4 vite më parë
  • Srbenda88
    • 4 vite më parë

    Dear , please have a look at #147 , #148 and #149 . Thank you.

    • 4 vite më parë
  • shaikhakil
    • 4 vite më parë

    please check #118

    • 4 vite më parë
  • mreedIMVT
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 4 vite më parë

    Hello Artists, please read the document I have attached. I am not interested in generic biotechnology logos. For instance, our technology does not make use of DNA in any novel way, so iterations of DNA in the logo design are inappropriate as designs as they do not pertain to our technology. The document I attached has plenty of examples of the biology that I would like represented in the logo.

    • 4 vite më parë
  • ratax73
    • 4 vite më parë


    • 4 vite më parë
  • belalahmed021020
    • 4 vite më parë

    #guaranteed #sealed please

    • 4 vite më parë
  • zubi5601
    • 4 vite më parë

    Sir you logo name please.

    • 4 vite më parë

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