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Becoming Verified by Freelancer

Becoming Verified by Freelancer means going through a higher level of verification other than the Know Your Customer Program (KYC). Being accepted from this program will give you a blue badge that increases client confidence and proves that you have been completely verified.

freelancer verified badge

This also comes with benefits that are not limited to the following:

  • Access to projects worth $2,500 USD and up
  • Access to hourly projects over $50/hr
  • Access to Project Public Clarification Boards
  • Access to bidding on Cryptocurrency projects
  • Chance to work with Enterprise Clients
  • Winning more jobs, more easily

To apply, you must be:

After completing all of the above, simply go to the Verified by Freelancer page to start your application. A fee of 99 USD** will be charged prior to submitting your application. After you completed adding funds, allow us 1 to 2 business days to review your application, and one of our processing staff will contact you to schedule a video interview. Interviews are conducted during weekdays and usually take only 5-10 minutes to complete. Your badge will be activated once the interview is done.

70% of our top earners are Verified. So what are you waiting for? Be Verified by Freelancer NOW!


* The Verified Freelancer status is subject to renewal upon KYC expiration or every 3 years, whichever comes sooner. Renewal of your Verified Freelancer status will incur a fee of 79 USD.
** Note that this fee is non-refundable once you submit your application.

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