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ITYPE Designs
Logo | Website | Layout | Top Branding Agency
$35 USD / orë
India (7:14 m.d.)
U bashkua në tetor 5, 2015
$35 USD / orë
Hello! My name is Hitesh,
An award-winning agency on Top Rated by Preferred Freelancer Team.
I can assist you in getting branding/logo, website and other graphic materials for your business and company. Our focus is to create the best designs, have timely communication with the employers, and work within deadlines.
Our team focuses on providing professional services to countries located in North America, Australia, and Europe.
Service List:
- Logo and Branding
- Website Design and Development
- Layout Design - UI/Presentations
- Marketing Material - Flyer/Brochure/Catalog
Perfect 5-star reviews | 2000+ Projects | On-Time Delivery | Project Support time: Monday-Friday - 9AM-6PM IST
Top-ranked for Branding | Website | PowerPoint | Marketing Material | Brochure | Flyer
Need help taking an existing image from low-res to hi-res and creating multiple image formats
ITYPE was so professional in assessing my project and providing me with expert level knowledge on how enhance the quality. I'd work work with ITYPE again.