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Pinky D.
Expert in PPT | PDF | Logo | Indesign | Flyer
$20 USD / orë
India (6:54 m.d.)
U bashkua në dhjetor 24, 2015
$20 USD / orë
Welcome to my profile and thank you for stopping by.
I have over 10+ years of experience in Designing field. I have worked with around 1450+ satisfied clients.
Some Points to Choose me :
*Available online on chat 24x7 for any queries & Work 7 days a week.
*No upfront payment is required.
*Release when you are 101% satisfied
*Good Communication
*Understand your requirements
*Project completed asap Urgent Project.
My Software Expertise:
Microsoft Office(Word, PPT, Publisher)
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Corel Draw
Nitro PDF.
My Expert Skills are:
PowerPoint, Prezi
PDF (Editable and Fillable)
Brochures, Flyers, Posters, Business Cards, Corporate Identity,
T-Shirt Designing,
Social Media Banners And Anything Related To Graphics Designing., Ebooks,
Indesign, Infographics...
Give me a chance so that I can show you My skills.
To Review Portfolio in detail, please click on the category in my profile.
You can also hire me by clicking on the HIRE ME button!