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Deepak K.
SEO- SMO- 1st page Ranking- Link Building Experts
$15 USD / orë
India (7:48 p.d.)
U bashkua në janar 3, 2013
$15 USD / orë
✔ SEO - Get a #1 Ranking on Google.
✔ Result Oriented work
✔ Provide Guaranteed improvements
✔ Customer support after completion of the project
✔ Transparency and Performance Monitoring
Hello! My name is Deepak K., I have worked with 2060+ clients on freelancer to resolve their SEO problems and promote their business at the top position in Google with Organic Traffic.
With over 11 years of experience in SEO, SEM, and digital marketing management, I possess the proven expertise and dedication to deliver exceptional results for your company. I prioritize ethical practices and utilize 100% white-hat SEO strategies, ensuring long-term success and compliance with Google's guidelines
Here's what sets me apart:
✪ Track record of success: Boosted organic traffic and visibility for 2060+ clients.
✪ White-hat approach: Prioritize ethical and sustainable SEO practices.
✪ Deep Google expertise: Stay updated on algorithms for optimal results.
✪ Strong customer focus: Offer responsive support address your needs effectively.
✪ Transparent communication: Provide regular reports and insights into your SEO progress.
My working hours are from Mondays to Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (IST)
➞ Working 6 days: Support is available 7 days a week.