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Kalidas365 IT Solutions
$10 USD / orë
India (4:40 p.d.)
U bashkua në nëntor 27, 2010
$10 USD / orë
We are a group of young, energetic, creative & professional website developer, graphic designer and IT-Administrator who are devoted to implement your requirement with modern technology.
* Website Design - Development-Modification - Wordpress - Ecommerce - Dynamic/Customized site Development
* Graphic Design - logo design - Brochure - Flyer - Leaflet - PDF Profile - Catalog - Greetings Card - Package/Label Design - Business Card - Image Retouch/Enhancement/Editing/Manipulation
* IT-Admin (Virtual Assistant) - Product Listing - Site Content Management - Product Image Enhance - Data Processing - PDF conversion to Word/Excel - Web Research - Data Scraping
Why Choose Us?
o Quality Support for everyday (365 days) even after project completion
o We understand your requirements precisely to deliver Creative designs
o 100% client satisfaction guaranteed.
o Reliable for long term relationship
o Fast turn around and delivery On Time
o Round-the-clock support to handle queries and doubts