Ky përdorues nuk lejon përdoruesit për ta ndjekur atë.
Ju jeni ndjekës i këtij përdoruesi.
Plani juaj i anëtarësimit lejon vetëm 0 ndjekje. Përmirësoni planin këtu.
U anulua me sukses
Gabim duke çndjekur përdoruesin.
Ju e keni rekomanduar përdoruesin me sukses
Gabim në rekomandimin e përdoruesit.
Diçka shkoi keq. Rifresko faqen dhe provo sërish.
Emaili u verifikua me sukses.
Yohanes P.
Creative Web Designer, Web Design Consultant
$12 USD / orë
Indonesia (9:42 p.d.)
U bashkua në nëntor 16, 2007
$12 USD / orë
10 years experienced in web design field. Expert and skillful in photoshop, HTML, CSS. Experience in design and building website project for company profile, portfolio and e-commerce.
I also have Experience in map design and development in [login to view URL]. I responsible in map design for singapore, malaysia, jakarta and bali. During my first employment i also involved in some government project in singapore. most in map location base in singapore. some of government client are MOM, SPC, Yellow Pages, DBS, etc.
Senior Creative Web Designer. Responsible in creating design concept, developing website and trouble shooting.
qer, 2010 - Prezente
14 years, 4 months
Senior Web Designer
maj, 2008 - maj, 2010
2 years
Shownearby (s) Pte Ltd
maj, 2008 - maj, 2010
2 years
- Design Web for client.
- Slicing and making HTML coding with CSS, some use php.
- Maintain client web update.
- Organizing Web Design Project with Team (Junior Designer, Programmer, and Project Manager).
maj, 2008 - maj, 2010
2 years
2009 - 2010
1 year
2009 - 2010
1 year
Universitas Bina Nusantara
1999 - 2003
4 years
Computer Science
1999 - 2003
4 years
Computer Science Degree
Bina Nusantara University
Dig. Graphic with Mac.Freehand
Bina Nusantara Training Centre
Creative Designer, Web Designer
Smile Design
Ftesa u dërgua me sukses!
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Ndodhi një gabim gjatë dërgimit të email-it tuaj. Ju lutemi provoni përsëri.