Best Website Practices That Boost SEO

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If you have any experience in SEO or have researched the topic, you will know that there are two main areas: on-site SEO and off-site SEO. Off-site SEO involves things like link building, getting local citations, encouraging customer reviews, and engaging the audience on social media. On-site SEO is about ensuring your website is as good as it can be for both your visitors and search engines. This article concentrates on the on-site part of SEO. Here are eight things you should look at.


1. Homepage Content


Your homepage is incredibly important and should contain content that tells your visitors who you are, what you can do for them (like what problems can you solve), and where you do this. If you provide this information succinctly on your homepage, the search engines will get a better understanding of what your website is about. Points two to six below will help you achieve this.


2. Remove any spam-type content


Remove anything that looks like spam from every page of your website. The assertion that your website might have spam-like content is likely to be horrifying, but a lot of businesses have them. The most common type is long lists of locations that your business operates in. This doesn't work, so choose a single phrase or word that best describes your geographical area, and delete the lists.


3. Add helpful content on your pages


Another mistake that many local business websites make is not having enough content on their pages. Brief is good, but there has to be enough information so that users and search engines understand what the page is about. How much content you need on your pages will depend on a number of different factors, but it is unlikely that anything less than 300 words will be enough.


4. Keyword Focus


Before you start developing content you should think about the keywords that are relevant to your page. You can have more than one keyword, although it is always best to prioritize one. To choose the keyword, you should think about the phrases that your customers might use to search for that page. Once you have decided on these, make sure your content includes these words and phrases.


5. Review Your Title Tags


Your title tags are very important to SEO. They should contain the main keyword of your page and the main location of your business. You also need to write them in a way that doesn't make them look like spam.


6. H1 and H2 Headings


H1 and H2 tags should also be included on your page as they are one of the indicators that search engines look out for. Make sure you include your keyword and your location in at least one heading.


7. URL Structure


Your URL structure is also important. Where possible, use your keyword in the URL of your page.


8. Create Regular Content


Finally, you should create regular content for your website. You can do this through a blog or by providing other regular information that will help and inform your readers. Search engines like websites that provide regularly updated content, plus you will pick up new visitors through long-tail keywords that will appear naturally in any content that you write.


Following the tips in this article will help to ensure that your website is setup and maintained in a way that helps your SEO strategy. You will need to work on off-site SEO as well, but this will give you a foundation.

Postuar 18 maj, 2015


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