Book Design Cover- The Courage To Be First

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $50
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 233
  • Fituesi: mohamedgamalz

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I need an exciting book cover. The title of the book is - The Courage To Be First.

Author Linda Fegins

It is a book about:
Five (sisters) in the Bible who served as an inspiration and as an example of how women can take action to achieve their dreams. The book discusses biblical principles and practical steps to encourage and empower women to take faith action steps to achieve their goals, mission, and assignment. Setbacks, adversity, mistakes need not keep them in bondage, or “stuck”. Their story displays how courage, bravado, wisdom, strategic ability, diplomacy, and solidarity can cause one to overcome obstacles , achieve success and perhaps be an agent of change.

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