• Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $100
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 565
  • Fituesi: florenciaveleiro

Përmbledhja e konkursit

Our client is looking to have this custom logo developed. The name of the business is MR REMODELING, Inc
We are looking for a custom logo that takes into account the nature of the HANDYMAN/REMODELING business. Please no copying other businesses logos, will have to check artwork selected against Google images to make sure it is a customized logo not a copy.
Please feel free to use icons representing the trade like tools, icons, silouehte people, houses, etc etc

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    Posto konkursin Shpejt dhe thjeshtë

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    Merr shumë propozime Nga e gjithë bota

  • Zgjidh kandidaturën më të mirë

    Zgjidh kandidaturën më të mirë Shkarko dokumentet - E thjeshtë!

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