Design a 3D Graphic of a Grinding Mill

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $200
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 5
  • Fituesi: deeps831

Përmbledhja e konkursit

We have a very basic graphic of a mill operation that we need improved dramatically to use in our marketing activities (for brochure and web use).

OVERVIEW OF PRODUCT : We have a new product in our portofolio called the MillSlicer that magnetically attaches to the outer shell of a mill in the mining industry. This records vibration analysis of the mill, which helps to make sure the mill is running at the right speed, has the right amount of rocks inside it and are being crushed up to finer material without over exerting the mill and using higher power consumption. This product then sends the data to a control box - the data is then converted to easy to read graphics where they can see exactly what is happening inside the mill and can make adjustments (to make sure the rocks are not damaging the inside of the mill lining and the speed is correct etc.) I have attached the brochure of the image we have used, as you can see is very basic.

A little bit of technical experience may help with this task, however, the brochure may help a little. I have attached some graphics of the product

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