Design project

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $200
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 262

Përmbledhja e konkursit

I need a logo designed. Starting new consultancy called Michele Cooper Consutlancy or MCC.

The consultancy will provide skills related to:
- environmental assessment
- protected area management (managing national parks)
- creating a procted area network
- working with government (eg, the go between and how to work with government and community/private sector)

Australian based company and therefore environment.

I would,like it to be simple, funky text that’s not commonly available, I like MCC as the logo basic concept, doesn’t necessarily have to say the full text of my name.
Like the concept of outlines of environment related shapes. Eg, MCC as a block text with eucalyptus leaf shape, BUT obviously this has been done befor so think outside the square

Looking for ward to it!

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