I need a Graphic Designer

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: £50
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 130
  • Fituesi: lokmenshi

Përmbledhja e konkursit

I am looking for a graphic designer to work with me on a new clothing brand. The brand is called Zooted. If you didn't know, zooted is a slang alternative used to describe being stoned in todays culture. The vision for the brand is ethical, low-key smoker with a love for the underground lifestyle. We have trademarks on all clothing items and all smoking accessories and tools. I have several ideas in my mind but a designer that understands the vision and can think for themselves too would be massively helpful in this journey.

I am looking for a collection of between 5 and 10 quality designs that can be used as a simple logo to an elaborate image that could be used on the back of a t-shirt.

Thank you and good luck.

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