Freelancer: shakiladobe
Raportoni kandidaturën

Logo Desing

Hello there. The design is original and 100% vector file. I make your logo for your instruction. If you need any kind of change please inform me. I'll provide you as soon as possible. Thanks.

Kandidatura #58për                                                 Logo Desing, Croupier TEAM
Kandidatura #58

Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • sergioflorero
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 1 vit më parë

    use green for the background and keep the colors of the man.
    Can you several the man with the vest and bow tie, and put different colors on his shirt? and do a team vs?

    • 1 vit më parë
    1. shakiladobe
      • 1 vit më parë

      Sir, give me some time please !

      • 1 vit më parë