Modern Logo Design Needed

  • Statusi: Pending
  • Çmimi: $96
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 1563

Përmbledhja e konkursit

We need help with a logo for another bransch within our company.
So the company logo is uploaded in the contest, and we want a new logo for our Electric vehicle charging bransch that is called ''chargeit'' please note that it's small letters....

Chargeit is focusing on charging stations for electric vehicles and the logo should be similar like the parkit logo, but you should see the clear difference. The font can be the same, but the Icon should be similar but highlight that it's for electric vehicle charing.

Although we have no specific colors in mind, it should not be pink like the Parkit logo, but we are open to ideas and encourage you to utilize your creativity wisely. We are excited to see what you can come up with!

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