New Company Logo

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $31
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 72
  • Fituesi: lnx00

Përmbledhja e konkursit

We are a creative agency. We create online stores and stores in CMS Wordpress.
We need a new logo for our company. Our name is: SZALONYLEMUR.COM (eng. CRAZY LEMUR). I am asking for a logo with the text: SZALONYLEMUR.COM. We like this website very much: We like the animations from thin lines on this website very much. You would like to have a logotype from such thin lines or a website that fits this concept. The coloring will be different from the example of this page so you do not have to suggest it. We want to present the animal in a creative way to make reference to creativity and new technologies. If we like the logo, then later we will want to design the website and a set of graphics for facebook.

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