T-Shirt Design

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $12
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 24
  • Fituesi: mdreju

Përmbledhja e konkursit

Please sumbit your idea for a T-Shirt Design with the following requirements:
- An approving thumb (thumb up) with the outline of the United Kingdom and the Union Jack (flag of the UK) in it
- beneath the thumb is the outline of the rest of Europe with the flag of the European Union in it but the flag looks beat up and broken
- there is text "Brexit" on top and "Make It Happen" on the bottom

Aftësi të rekomanduara

Vlerёsimi i punёdhёnёsit

“I greatly enjoyed working with this freelancer. Even though, sometimes, a lot of explaining was needed, everything was completed to my complete satisfaction.”

Fotoja e profilit fzajic, Austria.

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