T-Shirt design

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $300
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 120

Përmbledhja e konkursit

I am wanting to design some animal faces that can be used on T-shirts for babies - young children. They need to be fun, colourful, and I would like them to sort of look like the lion or the wolf on the attached image but even more little shapes/blocks inside the face. The animals need to look cute for the baby t-shirts, and then get a bit more serious for kids 5 - 10.

I have also attached another image with great colours, the sort of thing I want used.

I want to start with a Lion as potentially the main logo for the business.

The initial prize money is for the first one. This will be increased from there on for the best person as I will continue to engage for work.

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