Character Design and Animation Sprite Sheet Pixel Off!

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $100
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 15
  • Fituesi: facurod

Përmbledhja e konkursit

Gather your pixel sculpting tools!

This dungeon belongs to a king. His guard hath notified him of an intruder lurking in search of his treasure hidden beneath the stones.

Who will the king send to remove such threat?
Will he go himself?

Design a character to fit the room, using the designated color palette attached.

Bring them to life!
Create a sprite sheet of the character moving in the LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN directions. Each direction should have between 4 -8 images depicting movement. Saved to a .png format.
The images created should be submitted separately from the room image.

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  • harsamcreative
    • 1 vit më parë


    • 1 vit më parë
  • harsamcreative
    • 1 vit më parë

    Any update Sir Contest Holder?

    • 1 vit më parë
  • Naumaan
    • 1 vit më parë

    Do you need same character as mentioned in the attachment

    • 1 vit më parë
    1. solublehook
      Krijuesi i Konkursit
      • 1 vit më parë

      I am not sure what you mean.

      • 1 vit më parë
  • solublehook
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 1 vit më parë

    I would say it is medieval, however if the character created fits the attached room image, i can be flexible. I want the character to look like it belongs with the provided art. and be sure an animation sequence is provided for each left,up,right,down movement direction. the room image provided can be used to determine size. if you load it into a program, such as aseprite or photoshop it should be the size I am working with and you should be able to add a layer on top of it and pixel a character to fit the scene. be sure to use the palette image provided to create your art. I will try to check the chats each day, but I will constantly be busy and might not respond right away. Thank you for taking part!

    • 1 vit më parë
  • manugomez95
    • 1 vit më parë

    Excuse me, the time of the video game is medieval times?

    • 1 vit më parë
  • FelixLeaf
    • 1 vit më parë

    What size would you like the character to be? Like how many pixels for the height and width. Thank you. :)

    • 1 vit më parë
  • fgiacomino
    • 1 vit më parë

    Hi! what resolution needs for the character? Dungeon seems low res but haven't proportional scale or reference.

    • 1 vit më parë

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