LOGO for a hair transplant clinic

  • Statusi: Closed
  • Çmimi: $15
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 72
  • Fituesi: yrstudio

Përmbledhja e konkursit

I am seeking for an original logo for a hair transplantation clinic.
The name is “VELUS - Restauração Capilar” by João Fontes e Henrique Pinheiro.
“Velus” is the brand, “restauração capilar” is like a byline, that means capilar restoration.
The logo must have a hair follicle in the design. Or you must have to be very creative to not have one and still be a nice logo haha
If the letters “J” and “H” are in the design, it would be nice too
If the letter “L” was in a Hair-shape, it would be nice too

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